Thursday, May 21, 2009

DCS Crew at Seattle Fashion Week!

So, for those who don't know who we are.... Daniel, left, and Ejay, right... we are the two-man crew behind We and our team insure that you get the up most care on your stickers and order! Even though we work 12 hour days, we still find time to have fun and enjoy ourselves outside of stickers!

We were approached by Vitamin Water to produce their photowall for Seattle Fashion Week, and we were able to hook them up with a great price and outstanding photowall! The final photowall was 8' x 14' seamless, and lookin' sharp! Ejay had our intern, Kate, do the photowall lay-out! Ben and Brent from Vitamin Water were super stoked on the final outcome! We also produced the design and cooler wraps for all their moveable coolers that were stationed inside the event for sampling!

DCS Crew
- Ejay & Daniel

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