Tuesday, March 13, 2012

High Cascade Snowboard Camp

click image above to improve your life
Over 15,000 screen-printed stickers. Seriously.

A truly heartbreaking and sobering realization just tumbled down like an avalanche: we're too old to enroll at High Cascade Snowboard Camp.

Now what? Life seems to have lost all the luster and magic. I suppose we could continue banging out stickers to show our undying love and support. Then we'll whisk ourselves away to the dark corners of the mountain and struggle to keep our snow legs as our aging physiques continually let us down.

Nah. We'll be fine.

Thanks to HCSC for another great order! DCS stays in business, yahoo!

HCSC | Guiding Principals

We are proud of the fact that everything we do as a camp, as a business, as a community member, and as an employer is to improve the lives of those around us. Snowboarding, skateboarding, photography and all the other fun activities at High Cascade are simply vehicles for making lives better. From making new friends to building self-esteem, promoting responsibility, and discipline, High Cascade’s mission is simple and honest:


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