Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Heroes for the Homeless | Warm Clothing Drive

click image above for link.
Daniel and Tricia  sort through the massive donation pile.
Tricia and Jeff carefully pack the car with warm items.
Hats and scarves headed to those desperately in need.
Shared resources and combined compassion will help those in need.

On Wednesday, November 2nd at any given year the temperature is cold. Extremely cold. Whether you're a colonial soldier fighting for your life, an IT professional making your way downtown to work, or farming cattle on unclaimed land, we're all affected by extreme seasonal weather. This time of year is particularly difficult for those without shelter or the means to purchase appropriately clothing. The Diecutstickers team has a first hand knowledge of this, seeing a multitude of homeless and other disadvantaged people on the streets of Georgetown and South Seattle at the mercy of the elements. It was this sobering image that encouraged DCS Head Honchos to approach Heroes for the Homeless and pay forward the burgeoning success the business was experiencing.

Heroes for the Homeless consistently perform some amazing deeds and in 2011 DCS finally was able to connect with them on a Warm Clothing Drive. Lasting just short of a couple weeks fans, friends, family, peers, and co-workers were encouraged to bring in blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, jackets, socks, and any other helpful donations to be passed out. Though it took a little while to gain momentum, generous people answered the call to action and brought in an impressive amount of items for adult men and women, children, and assorted winter wear. Over 300 individual items were collected, including nearly 100 winter hats. Special thanks goes to Coal Headwear, Kavu Clothing, and Lucky Snowboards for their donations of assorted used and brand new items.

At the risk of sounding trite, DCS believes with unwavering conviction that the rewards of success should be paid forward to those who have taken rough turns in life. Even the smallest gesture can mean a great deal in another person's life. Teaming with Heroes for the Homeless has given DCS yet another opportunity to show this and is humbled by the positive results. We encourage anyone who reads this to consider gestures of this nature and do what they can to give.

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