Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weakstyles | Shitsweak

 click photo above for link.
100 - black ink on white vinyl digital kiss-cut stickers, weeded + application masking at 2.94 x 5"

Thank you to Weakstyles and Shitsweak, for your order with Diecutstickers.com! Purchase a new shirt on their online store!


After quite some time, we finally came around to customizing our own online store. We are still in the process of designing and adding things, so every once in awhile there will be small bugs here and there from the store. The good news is, the STORE IS LIVE! You can place your orders anytime and no PayPal account is required, yet if you do have a Paypal account you can still use it to pay for your goods.

We’ve got two of our new shirts in and ready to go, the FYS and the USSR, check them out. The rest of our selection is from last years line, which we dont have much of different sizes and selection to choose from. We are slowing going to be bringing more shirts your way, so stayed tuned and look out for our mockup designs we will be posting. Right now, we just have our shirts up on the store. We have ordered plenty of stickers and they should be around to us right before Winterjam. As soon as they come in we will be getting them up on the store and ready for you to buy online.

Help us spend the word! Repost and promote us :)
We thank you for all your support and sticking with us.

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